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Create comparison pages with competitors

Translate pages into other popular languages

Obviously, the translation of pages into foreign languages ​​can attract a lot of additional traffic. Especially if your product is not limited geographically. But there is one important point here – the translation must be performed correctly: How SEO for SaAS differs from promoting services sites

From a technical point of view, there is no special difference in the methods of SEO-processing sites of services and SaAS. The principles are used the same. Another thing is important here-the changeability of the SaaS products themselves, their evolution. As we said at the beginning of the article, SaAS products are rapidly developing, expanding, sometimes radically changing. And each change makes its adjustments to SEO strategy.

SaAS Marketing and promotion on the network requires you flexibility, enterprise, readiness to rebuild the work strategy and its principles as soon as possible.

How to create a successful SAAS SEO-campaign

SEO for SaAS projects can be built on dozens of components. Somewhere the same tools and methods of promotion are used as for classic services of services, somewhere more original and specific. Consider some of the most relevant today.

Analyze competitors

Analysis of competitors is important in any niche, and in the SAAS segment-especially. Here you must analyze not only direct, but also indirect competitors. That is, everyone who offers a fundamentally different product, but at the same time capable of closing the needs of your audience.

For example, you create a video service with a screen of a screen. This is a convenient tool for remote work. Direct competitors are obvious: Zoom, Skype, etc. But there are also indirect ones. For example, the same Telegram. A product of a completely different type, but you can also call video links and include a screen demonstration here. We get an indirect competitor.

Divide the product into mini-products

If your SaAS product can be divided into mini-products, we recommend that you do it. Then you can cover a wider audience, which, for example, does not need a comprehensive solution. At the same time, expand the semantics for SEO process.

A good example in this regard is products from Adobe. As a client, you can purchase all Creative Cloud applications or choose cheaper subscription plans that include only the options you need. For example, Lightroom and Photoshop for photographers, Adobe XD, Photoshop and Illustrator for UX/UI designers.

How to create a successful SAAS SEO-campaign

Create mini-products close in the subject

Sometimes a reasonable move will be the creation of additional mini-products that are suitable for your topic. If you do not move away from Adobe, then here you can mention Photoshop Express or Lightroom Mobile – cut versions of the main programs for smartphones, free or conditionally free.

When creating mini products, it is important to follow several rules:

Make sure that they have a semantics.

Evaluate the volume of work, calculate whether the development will be financially justified.

Determine how close these products are to your main one.

If you doubt that the mini-product will be in demand that you can promote it, that it will really be connected with your main offer, it is better to abandon this idea.

Create mini-products based on API other products

Sometimes you can simplify your life if you use ready -made API, which is in the public domain. You will save money on development, offer the audience a new product and at the same time you can improve SaAS SEO.

An interesting example begs here. As you know, in Telegram you can send files to yourself. In fact, this is an endless storage of information, but not the most convenient. Telegram is a messenger, not an analogue of Google Drive or Dropfiles. But the craftsman Pato05 created on the basis of the telegram the Uploadgram platform – an unlimited file organizer that connects the messenger server. However, he did not violate the rules for using the Telegram API.

Find other methods of using the product

Sometimes you need to learn how to look at your product wider. If he has alternative or additional methods of use, tell us about them. Then you will demonstrate its advantages and simplify life to users. Of course, sooner or later they themselves will find additional ways to use your product, but why spend their time?

The previous example with uploadgram fits here perfectly. The developer not only created his own product based on the existing API, but also showed a completely new way of using Telegram capacities.

Create comparison pages with competitors

Well, if you know what your product is better than competitors’ offers. Why not convey this information to potential customers? Clearly, open and understandable. In addition, an additional page with comparison is also the search traffic that it will lead.

For example, such a comparative table is offered by Firefox browser on its website:

Create comparison pages with competitors

Translate pages into other popular languages

Obviously, the translation of pages into foreign languages ​​can attract a lot of additional traffic. Especially if your product is not limited geographically. But there is one important point here – the translation must be performed correctly:

To begin with, translate the list of foreign language requests that already bring you traffic.

Find sites through the search, which are in the top according to the same requests.

Unload the semantics from Ahrefs by the discovered competitors. We advise you to work in a country where the number of native speakers of the selected language is the largest.

Clusterize the semantic core and translate content for different language versions of the site.

Collect traffic, analyze effectiveness.

Someone advises to start translating Google pages as a translator, observe the growth of traffic and then hire a translator for a more correct translation. But we recommend that you immediately translate the pages correctly. Google translator makes mistakes, which affects the ranking. For SaAS SEO this is important!

Expand the semantics in popular one-, two-sides

This method can be used when the SEO process has already given the results, and the site was released at least in the top 10, and preferably in the top 5 or even in the top 3. The task is to find patterns, by which one- and two-sides of Google, your resource is more quickly and more efficient.